Do the Stars Reveal Our Destiny?

I find myself puzzling over how to explain to others what the benefits of Astrology are. Astrology, as I usually describe it, is the most comprehensive blueprint of the soul you will ever get in this lifetime. It contains an energy imprint, stacked with symbols that contain meaning. No two charts are the same, as no two people are exactly the same. This doesn’t of course account for twins, but even so – usually twins are born a few minutes or more apart. This matters, and can adjust planetary placements or aspects significantly. This is the language of Astrology. The date, time and place you were born is inserted into an algorithm of sorts that overlays symbols on a grid showcasing a map of your soul.

Your astrological chart is a living, breathing, constantly moveable being, because it’s YOU! What comes first the chicken or the egg, the person or the chart – is an endlessly fascinating debate amongst New Age practitioners. Most astrologers believe you choose your own soul blueprint, your astrological chart, before you are even born. I certainly believe that, and I cherish what my own chart reveals about my own evolutionary path as a soul.

Astrology reveals potential, not definitive outcomes. However, if I’m honest, it goes way deeper than that. I don’t know why I’ve hesitated to state that out loud. I fully embrace and accept responsibility for the choices that we all make in our own lives, because I believe in free will. We tend to underestimate the patience required to not only understand our soul’s path, but simultaneously deal with the human condition. We are both: soul and human. So no matter what an Astrologist (me) says about your chart and the big life mission your chart reveals, if you are wracked with anxiety, then you need to simultaneously deal with that anxiety. Nothing an Astrologist says to you will matter a hill of beans, because there are already psychological barriers standing in the way. Astrology reveals the soul side of things, and other therapies or modalities heal the human side of things. All are incredibly compatible. If you give the language of Astrology a chance, with a good Astrologist, you will tap levels of self-awareness you may not have had otherwise. 

There is no denying that when I do Astrology readings for others, even if they don’t exactly know what on earth to expect, the insights repeatedly bring relief, excitement, validation, tears, joy, and plenty of curiosity. There is something sparked in that moment, because of what I have seen, and shared with them directly from the symbols in their own personal chart. It’s not about seeing someone’s destiny, which honestly is a bit shortsighted to me, it’s about seeing and bearing witness to the evolving soul, which is tons more useful and healing in my mind. Honoring the strengths, the challenges, reveling in gifts and the talents, inevitably poking at the edges of someone’s personal discomfort at having someone else see so much about them, it’s transformative. 

Astrology satiates the ever-expanding personal hunger for magic and meaning. In these challenging times, it can be difficult to cope with getting through the movements of our daily lives, much less examining who we are on a soul level. I encourage us all not to give up on examining those spaces, though, it’s potency can move and refresh our minds and hearts. 

Chanda Parkinson