Messages Everywhere

On my 48th birthday this year, my partner Troy gifted me rocks. They were not just any rocks, they were hand selected from friends and loved ones around the world. I gleefully filled a corner of my yard with the couple dozen beauties, and they now occupy my ancestors altar. On a daily basis, I visit this altar to make offerings, say prayers, sing songs, meditate and get acquainted with the rocks and stones there. I listen to drumming music and sit with the rocks in my hands, inviting them to teach me something, or take me on an adventure.

Today I sat with a particularly beautiful rock gifted to me from shamanic practices mentor Jaime Meyer. As I held it in my hands, on my inner vision I saw an image of the rock opening up to a beautiful pool of water. It was so inviting, so I jumped in. I didn’t dive in, I literally jumped in like a kid jumping into a swimming pool. It was invigorating! Under the water, I was swimming and the crystal clear blue water led me to a beautiful beam of light. As I floated in the water, suddenly that beam of light shot straight into my heart and I tumbled backwards doing backward somersaults in the water. It was exhilarating!

When I came back from this journey, I sat for a moment wondering about the experience I had. Sometimes I just cherish those journeys for what they are, with a distant wondering that lasts a few days. Other times more insights come to me as move throughout my life. This is one of those instances where more insights came to me after I ended this journey.

I received the message that in this challenging time in the course of humanity, we still need to pause and take time to celebrate. These times are intense, but traveling forward without pausing to recognize our own milestones and accomplishments no matter how seemingly insignificant neglects a major part of whole living. Celebration creates balance and joy amongst the minefield of uncertainty we stumble into on a daily basis. We are no doubt in intense times, and we also can pause, and take time to be in the good feelings of what we have managed through a really difficult time.

Completing a household project, healing a friendship, getting out to socialize, overcoming a self-defeating thought pattern, breaking through an obstacle, overcoming a health challenge, having the courage to do something you have been putting off, finishing a work assignment, getting through a day or a week feeling good - all of these things deserve a celebration. You being here right now deserves a celebration. The dance we do with spirit in the space of celebration affords the chance to stop and toast the cosmic forces of the universe, our neighbors, our friends, our families and ourselves. It brings continuity to the precious and the beautiful moments that yes, we can still have in the face of monumental challenges.

This beautiful whisper of insight on the back end of some intense weeks was just what I needed to hear. I celebrate YOU today. I toast your amazing-ness. I hope you are celebrating today too. No accomplishment is too small or big right now. Much love.


Chanda Parkinson