What Now?

This is a note out to all of you beautiful people, I hope you can feel me reaching out to you with BIG love, and support during this time. We have all been tasked with something monumental and I know we will get through this together. I am here, always, and eager to connect with you when you are ready. Just know I’m here.

It will be tempting to want to ask the psychics you consult with what the future holds for you personally in light of this life changing moment. I may encourage you to refrain from doing that. EVERYONE is going to be impacted by this time…and it could be months before things are back to anything resembling “normal.” I personally won’t be able to tell you that your 401K is going to remain intact, or you will have enough in your savings account to make it through this tight time. I KNOW things are going to get strained for most people. These questions are limiting in a way, because they don’t open the door to your own intuitive/creative and connective mind. I know that you are figuring out how to survive in the coming months, we all are.

Instead…sink deep into your heart and find some questions for me that can lift you, support you, inspire you, restore your faith in yourself, and your capabilities. ASK ME…about how this plays into your spiritual path, your soul’s purpose, how to continue to increase your own personal energy reserves to keep moving, what to focus on, what to spend time healing…these answers will get you much more bang for your buck, I guarantee it.

And…this is the time when many of us are extending sliding fee scales for services. As much as I want to offer readings for free, this is also my “job” and the way I also support my family. But if you make it known that my rate is too much right now, be ready to suggest what you CAN do, and we’ll go from there. I’m flexible.

Regardless…just CONNECT. If I pop into your mind, reach out, I’ll be on facebook a lot over the upcoming weeks, going to launch a “free” live facebook class series based on the feedback I’m getting from my friends out there.

What I sense above all, and this is the golden nugget for today: many of us were called to be here during this time, to bring the gifts we have to help humanity. Many of you are already feeling the inner stirring, and even through the exhaustion and the fear…are finding yourself inspired by your own creativity and ideas for how to help your neighbors and community. We were born for this moment. Don’t doubt it for a second. And don’t ignore the whispering in your ear and the visions and dreams, the inner knowing happening within you. Take those impulses and get into action. Our shining moment is yet to come. It’s already happening.

I love you all dearly. I’m here for you. I know you’re here for me too xoxo

Chanda Parkinson