Last Night I Connected With a Friend Crossed Over

Last night I was scanning a few documents on my phone when Pandora started playing my Eva Cassidy channel. It made me pause, because I hadn’t actually opened Pandora. But, you know…Mercury Retrograde, so nothing was really surprising me about this. Although…instantly I felt the energy of a dear friend close to me who first introduced me to her music. His name is John. He came to me for a reading in Missoula, MT when I was touring the midwest spreading the love of this work in different towns and communities. We became instant friends. Our friendship grew over the years. However, in 2013, we lost touch, as can sometimes happen with long distance relationships. He stopped replying to my emails and phone calls. And I stopped wondering about him.

So when Eva Cassidy suddenly popped up on my phone, I took that as a sign my friend John was trying to reach out to me. I had floods of feelings at that moment, and the memories of our conversations and interactions came rushing into me, much like someone had placed a warm blanket around my shoulders.

I tried emailing John, and I got a note back “undeliverable.” Well that was no surprise to me, we haven’t been in touch since 2013, people do change their emails. I decided to look him up and friend him on social media. Nope, he was not a social media user, so that was a dead end. Then I decided to google him, figuring I could find him connected to a law firm, as he was a legal secretary. What I discovered was devastating. He passed away in 2017, health complications. I was flooded by emotion, and I felt his energy draw near. I wanted to know why he didn’t reach out to me when he was ill. I heard him say “what a drag” about his health condition, and that he wanted me to remember our good times and deep conversations. I found his obituary and photo.

I lovingly nicknamed him “Turtle John” - he was a man who had the most amazing perspectives about the world, the universe, and about spirit. He had the wildest stories of his own spiritual experiences. He took it upon himself over the course of his adult life to support other women healers, like me, and insisted on sending me other family members and even once hired me to meet with his sister in California once when I was visiting family there. His incredible dedication to the work of healers, and to consistently working on his own healing journey to this day continues to inspire me.

R.I.P. Turtle John. I love you dear friend, and I will hear you speaking to me every single time I hear an Eva Cassidy song. I was honored to know you. Stay close, and know I am here anytime to connect.

Peace. Chanda

Chanda Parkinson