My Purpose is Hiding from Me!


The top #1 question I get asked as a psychic is “what is my purpose?” In the beginning of my practice, oh around 2006, I remember the bullets of sweat appearing on my upper lip every single time this question would come up. Why? Because I knew deep down inside of myself that I would not be able to answer that question. 

Asking someone, a human (albeit a really talented psychic human) to answer for you what your purpose is, is like trying to climb Mount Everest in under 5 minutes. Not possible! 

Over time I grew to understand through study on the topic of how to find our purpose in life, and deep inner reflection on my own pathway…that there is only one way to find your purpose and let me tell you right now…it is NOT through a psychic. Good psychics can offer you guideposts (through tools like astrology and numerology), reveal your unused potential (through gifts like clairvoyance), help point the arrows in the right direction, but there isn’t one and only one thing hiding from you that you were meant to do.

What I believe people are really asking me has nothing to do with their purpose anyway, it usually comes from a much deeper space of wanting to feel more meaning in their lives. Can you see how the question “what gives my life more meaning?” is much more authentic than “what is my life purpose?” 

The way to moving your life to one of more meaning is through immediate action. There is nothing that is held a secret from you. Why would you come here with some sort of blank chapter with a question mark to live forever without knowing that inner piece of your soul? It really just doesn’t make sense, when you think about it. And that’s the thing you don’t want to do: sit and think about it. 

Your professional and career path doesn’t necessarily equate with feelings of being on purpose or feeling more meaning. We often confuse them. Feeling on purpose can be expressed through a hobby or a passion. What you do to earn your bread and butter may not be your sole purpose in this life. There isn’t only one way to express who you are, there are multiple. This refinement process requires patience, time, a willingness to act, to make adjustments as you go, and to take risks every now and again.

First step: learn about and use your innate talents. What is it that you’ve always done or been good at? (my clues were that I constantly “counseled” my friends even as a teenager, I have been singing in public since I was a child and loved it, and also I have cared for children my whole life and now I’m a mom).

Second step: consult an astrologist or numerologist. They can offer you the guideposts, and at least get your brain cells to start wondering about what else is possible.

Third step: experiment, volunteer, take a class, do something creative, work part-time trying something new, start a side hustle business, whatever inspires you. Some of life’s greatest gems are in the opportunities we provide ourselves to get out of our own comfort zones.

You will know you are on the right track, because it will feel good in your bones. It sort of becomes like breathing. It happens naturally. It feels more smooth and easy than anything else you’ve done or tried. 

Happy experimenting!


Chanda Parkinson