Who’s Haunting Who?


Often in my practice I have clients who ask about various experiences they are having at home where it feels as if there is a presence hovering over them, or even trying to take them over, it can often make them feel threatened, paranoid, frightened and uncomfortable. I can remember as a child feeling things I could not explain, but were only understood as a scary monster that hides in my closet and who came out to visit me at night, just like in the movies.

I know that there is a lot of phenomena out there that we just don’t understand, nor will we ever. The scope of my practice does not cover hauntings or ghosts, I leave the bulk of that work to the masters who are proficient in their skills and understand how that type of energy operates and how to communicate with it.

However, recently I was given a little insight into one possible explanation for what that type of energy is, and I am even encouraged to instruct people to look deeply within first before blaming the spirit realm for the unsettling or scary energy they feel.

I was told that the energy of spirit can often be mistaken for our own energy. Yes, as a human being at any given point in time we may be experiencing things in our lives that could cause there to feel as if an “entity” is present around us…manipulating things, trying to scare us…and often it is nothing more than our very own auric field leaving a bit of residue in our own spaces. Since we are emotional beings who sometimes have traumatic experiences, we cannot completely control that. However, it is highly recommended that some sort of clearing and releasing of energy be done in the home and quite often to assist in maintaining a sense of equilibrium.

If something feels foreboding, or a presence is around…the best way to go about distinguishing whether it is a real “ghost” or just some heavy energy someone is leaving behind…is to just ASK! Go deep into the pit of your stomach and ask if it is YOU or if it is something or someone else. Often the answer resides there. Clear the space, either with sage or oils, crystals, feng shui…whatever ritual or ceremony you like to use. Light a candle and invite the energy of love and light to flood the home.

Work hard to eliminate any residue of dark or cluttered energy in your mind, in your heart, and in your home. If this does not provide the desired result and a “presence” is still felt by the family, then the next step is to find someone trained in that field to help heal the home. Just do not assume automatically that it is a spirit entity. That is a bad rap they are not fond of, and would like to clear up! Consider me a messenger of those beyond who are often doing their best to contribute, protect and communicate good to the world.

Peace, Chanda

Chanda Parkinson