The Wheel of Fortune card from the tarot is often called, “the wheel of becoming.” This card often forces us to face the existential dilemma: do we control our own fate? Is humanity truly bound to the wheel of life that is seemingly turned by the gods? Unlock deeper questions for yourself in this lively, fun and exploratory talk. Discover what manifestation has to do with tarot. How can tarot facilitate a deeper sense of acceptance, grace and power in our lives? Learn about Jupiter’s influence in the Wheel of Fortune, experience a brief guided visualization to deepen your relationship with the tarot, and learn a powerful tarot spread for guiding your future. Bring a deck of tarot cards and a journal! Chanda will have a few extra decks in tow as back-ups.
A weekend at Paganicon includes: three full days of programming (lectures, panel discussions, demonstrations, rituals, movement and more), the Friday Concert, the Equinox Ball on Saturday, Party Suites, the Vendor Room, the Third Offering Art Gallery and print shop, Divination and Healing services, a meditation room, author/artist media signing events, our hospitality suite, and more. It’s a chance to meet new and old friends, plus experience deep community.
If you’ve never been, it’s an experience you will never forget. REGISTER HERE