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Group Past Life Regression Webinar


Join Certified Past Life Regression Counselor and Psychic Intuitive Chanda Parkinson for a beautiful night of exploration and healing. Join from the comfort of your home in a virtual group experience.

During the first portion of the event, Chanda will teach about past lives and how the process of regression works. Next, utilizing light trance hypnosis, Chanda will safely lead participants through one complete past lifetime from beginning to end.

Experience awareness and a deep healing of one past life, learn how it may be influencing your current life, who you were, and what your soul’s purpose was. Break and heal subconscious patterns of behavior, heal your relationships, know yourself deeply.  No previous experience with past lives or regression required.

Cost: $20 per person*

A .pdf with instructions will be sent to you via email. Note that they will expire within 24 hours of your first access. Please download the .pdf instructions when you receive them. If issues occur, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

* Instructions for joining will be sent to you after purchase. There are no refunds for classes or study groups. In the event the class needs to be postponed, your registration fee will be held for a future rescheduled date.