The Power of This Moment

On December 21, we entered a gateway which activated the final stages/steps into the Age of Aquarius, moving us fully into the Air element. It was led by the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction which brought the planets closer than they’ve been in 400 years, and within 1 degree of Aquarius. That astro speak simply means it was rare, and it was a profound moment in time. Activating the Age of Aquarius means that we now have the opportunity within a space of ease to create and ground effective changes that our communities, country and world desperately needs. This moment has been a long time coming.

The significant awareness right now lies in the truth of what this moment calls for. Aquarius energy invites courage, brilliance, innovation, new technological advances, community support, networking, cutting edge breakthroughs, and leadership. It is fostered by an atmosphere of urgency and competition - who can get to the vaccine fastest enough? Who can race to the technology breakthroughs first? Who will be our new world leaders stepping forward to inspire true and lasting change? To say that this time is drawing forward the inner leader and warrior in all of us is an understatement. It will feel more and more difficult as time passes to remain in your own bubble, as the needs of our society command our very best selves. Like a magnet, we will be pulled to those activities and causes that need our full participation and undivided attention.

Aquarius wants us to see more of what connects us, verses what divides us. Many of you who know me well, know I am a social and human rights activist, and I do not mince words where violence and injustices are concerned. There is still a consciously held energetic disconnect so great, the divide so wide, like never before we have fully witnessed it. Plutonian energies have brought these injustices to the surface, a bubbling up of old toxic energy for us to fully view and deal with. That is the true nature of healing, isn’t it? To look at what is lying beneath the surface, to face it, to figure out what to do to heal it. Nothing is hidden anymore. That is why it feels intense right now. As white heterosexual humans unaffected by injustices and violence aimed at BIPOC communities, or LGBTQ+ folx, we have conveniently been able to choose whether or not we want to look at those injustices, because the IMPACT of those injustices weren’t overtly apparent, if we didn’t want them to be. Aquarius and Pluto will have none of it. The truth of this moment is being revealed. The bubble is burst for good. We want to see the good, and there is much good, and we also must see the bad to know where to go next.

Yesterday was a pivotal moment in our history, as we watched the grasp on our democracy finally take hold again. What we almost lost for good was returned to us, in some form. The work ahead is monumental. As spiritual leaders, we must remain vigilant in our efforts to foster and grow our own relationship with spirit, and to continue to direct our energies into our communities and our society for the betterment of all. We can’t go back to sleep. The past 4 years were one of the biggest awakenings we have had as a consciousness. Stay alert and present to what this moment commands of you and continue to ask spirit to support you in the continued awareness of what you can do on this earth side of things to assist.

Be well, lovelies and see you on the inter webs! Peace, Chanda

Chanda Parkinson