Gentle Insights

There is a tension that often exists between our mind and soul. During the upcoming long winter pandemic days, that tension and discord often becomes more apparent, with too much time to sit and spin. But the soul is quietly whispering and embracing you with kindness and love. It is in those moments of self-questioning, self-doubt, when you feel you have lost your way, that you need to listen to the voice of your soul even more than ever. It's guiding you back to yourself.

These times are intense. There is no easy answer to many of the gut wrenching dilemmas we find ourselves facing as a humanity. Your soul has a blueprint of clues and cues to guide you in service to the world. Ignoring impulses to reach out in community does not serve your purpose nor the greater good. Gather your strength. All hands on deck.

It is a true value to spend more moments feeling into your soul's quiet, steady, ever-present voice, and not to let your mind judge, compare or question. It will lighten the darkest parts of your being. Be quiet. Engage in an activity that brings you peace. Harmonize the energies of your mind and soul. Peace.

Chanda Parkinson