
The light and awareness are intertwined. The anatomy of awareness is a prism: multifaceted, clear yet colorful, dangling in the realm of cosmic connection. Considering this, there is no one edge or side of the prism that is the definitive. Each time you glance it’s way it changes, subtle shifts in movement reflect rainbows of color across the inner walls of your mind and heart. It’s subtle changes add to the magic of what is discovered, a never-ending field of awareness about ourselves and the world.

Consider how remarkable it is that awareness holds so many beautiful moments of reflection for each of us. The rays of the sun burst through, beams of intense clarity landing ever so delicately. This clarity does not discriminate. It moves through whatever walls or wounds may be present. It scales the ceiling of the conscious mind, bringing form to the emotion that rises up to meet it from the heart and soul. All that is required is a moment. It’s a simple pause really, in the space of everything and nothing at once, to allow one’s restless soul release, to touch the face of the divine. 

I believe that our souls come imprinted with information and guideposts to lead us. When we are able and ready to decipher those messages we do. Sometimes the only insight that is produced is a sense of clarity on what brought us to this point, and to achieve a sense of deep inner knowing why. Over time, we develop a deeper sense of trust in those sacred spaces to provide the reassurance, courage, awareness, and fortitude to proceed to the next steps in our lives.

We are strung out on the tight rope of daily life and tasks. Life without awareness may cause us to feel like we are constantly teetering, just about to fall into the abyss of our own uncertainties. We lose our sense of meaning. Awareness lends focus and mastery to already brilliantly created lives. Our effectiveness is greatly enhanced by moments of quiet. Take your walk to the sunset. Find your peace in a moment of solitude. Allow the pauses in your life as a way to deepen your own awareness practice.

The delicate and sacred process of quieting the mind, connecting to your soul’s yearnings and desires, and to the mind’s inner workings in tandem, can act as a guidepost to further understanding of your own life path. It is a remarkable and precious gift to afford access to an inner realm, to connect mind and heart, to understand our paths more deeply. 






Chanda Parkinson